Because of all of our sponsors we have now been able to purchase the
tent and other essentials needed to get started.
We would like to ask all churches and Christians to consider and pray about becoming
weekly or monthly contributors to become O.F.T.R (Old Fashioned Tent Revival) Members. Some Churches and members
have already started to help this ministry in becoming a O.F.T.R Member by donating $5-$10 a Week or you can donate a one
time love gift would be appreciated.
100% of money donated will go straight to this ministry and help us travel to
share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others through the Tent Revival.
To become a O.F.T.R. Member use the contact info below:
Evangelist John Perkins
Phone Number
(812) 546- 0771
Make checks payable to
Community Revival Fund (Irwin Union Bank)
Mail To:
Community Revival Fund
7441 East 450 North
Columbus, Indiana 47203